Sixteen Models Moving
The Stupendous Model
The Drawathon was 7:pm- 7:am with 16 models in poses ranging from 10 seconds to 6 hours.
I started this when I was living in Chicago and have been meaning to get back to it ever since. I was going to name it 'In the Garden' but I realized I already have a painting with that name (you're not ready to see that one yet). I'm posting this in it's unfinished state because... well, because I Like it, and it's different than most of my work, and if my blog is any barometer of dilligence, I may not finish this for many more years.
Here's the painting right before the latest commission. This is Debbie around 1993.
Here's my latest commission. Flash photography drives me nuts. I made up the backround.
A tree from thompkin's square park drawn at night
This is Dave Reeves.
He stayed with me at 65 st mark's place along with Micah Gaugh and Doug Meckley.
Here's a picture of Micah.
This is Micah Gaugh asleep.
this is Micah Gaugh still sleeping
These sketches (exempting the tree) were made somewhere from fall of 93 till spring 94.
So I haven't blogged in a while. or more than once.
I'm working in the parks, now that it's warm, and have been making sketches of trees as well as drawing people. I'd like to start including a sketchbook here if I can surmount my blogg-diligence impotence.
this painting is the first-on site landscape I've done in acrylic.
I'm thinking about attacking it in the studio.
This "in progress" painting is the second acrylic landscape, a view off my back porch.
here is a tree
there are much better trees coming.
this is the sky.
here's a plant on my porch at twilight.
I would visually regail you with my sketchbook now, but I held the camera too close and all the pictures are bluurry.